It’s almost summer although those of us who live in northern Michigan might challenge that statement.  It’s time to freshen up our homes by raking all those dead leaves out of our flower beds, clean out those flower pots and add fresh new soil so our new flowers can grow.  If you are thinking about selling your home, look at the exterior of your home and consider giving it a fresh look like the inside of your home.    Take a critical look at your home.  Do you need a few fresh new shrubs…they add color and interest?   Try arborvitae for instant color and year around green!!  Add a pot of flowers on your doorstep and consider even adding some shutters on the front of your house if it looks bare.  Your home will sell quicker and for a higher price if you address deferred maintenance issues.  Have fun and see how quick you can sell that house with some simple additions of greenery and fresh paint!!  And,  if you aren’t selling but just want to spruce up a bit,  think color and more color.  Nothing says summer more than colorful pots and fun painted chairs!  Have faded chairs from years of summer outside?  There are lots of different paints out now,  try them on your old outside furniture for a quick spurt of new and fresh color.  Add a fun cushion and you’re set to go.  Enjoy!


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