Arrange-Your-FurnitureKeeping things in the same place eventually keeps you from really seeing it.

Simple changes can make for a whole new look.

Is your sofa against a wall?  If you have room, think about pulling it out and turning it a little bit to create an angle.  When you look around your room is everything rectangular in shape?  Put your furniture on angles just slightly pulled out from the wall can help soften those square edges and bring a whole new feel to a room.  Change the art on your walls!  I’m a big fan of rotating the pictures and photos on my wall.  It does give your rooms a new fresh look and you start seeing your art all over again.

re arrange furniture on angles and change art-home decor ideasTry it, you’ll be amazed at how you start enjoying your treasures again just moving them to a new spot.  I get excited when I find a new spot to hang a picture or a painting.  I do see it anew!  Little changes can make a big difference!

~Karen Van Nort | Project Manager & Interior Designer

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